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         Traditionally, the concept of Chinese Art mainly refers to the artworks that were created on rice paper or silk using Chinese traditional water based medium such as black ink, mineral and/or botanical colors. It includes Chinese calligraphy, painting and seal stamp carving. Western art such as oil painting and watercolor painting were imported to China 400 years ago. It wasn't until the beginning of 20th century some pioneer educators started to open western art courses in Chinese schools. In a hundred years with the social and economic progress Chinese traditional art, localized western art have achieved great development in China. Meanwhile, more and more Chinese artists moved to different countries. These immigrant artists combined Chinese art with the art of the emigrated places and attributed the third element of the multiple features of contemporary Chinese Art.
    Chinese Art Excellence Collection (ISSN: 2766-8711) is an international Art Magazine which mainly selects and publishes:
         1. Outstanding artworks created by Chinese Artists.
         2. Outstanding artworks created by anyone and related to Chinese culture.
         3. Artistic narrative or research articles related to Chinese art and culture.

         Art Advisory Committee:
         Charles Liu; Jianping Sun; Weiping Zhang

         Editor-in-Chief: Junrui Garcia
         Associate Editor-in-Chief: Jing Wang
         Editor Board: 
         Jianzheng Chu; Jianchang Liu; Yuanhui Sun; Chengjie Wang
         Call for excellent artworks related to Chinese culture
         We publish high quality artworks related to Chinese culture. Please submit your work with:
         1. Your full name
         2. Your job title
         3. HD photo pictures, size, year the work is created of your artworks.         
         4. Send all above information to:

         You will receive a confirmation email once we received your submission.
         You will receive a notify email once your artwork is selected or denied.

2023年《中国美术精品》Chinese Art Excellence Collection

2022年《中国美术精品》Chinese Art Excellence Collection

2021年《中国美术精品》Chinese Art Excellence Collection

2020年《中国美术精品》Chinese Art Excellence Collection

《翰墨亭精品》Calligraphy Pavilion Collection - 2020年第1期总第6期 

2019年《翰墨亭精品》Calligraphy Pavilion Collection

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